Friday, April 17

Whispering spheres

In the state between consciousness and sleep  whilst attempting to relax perfectly, by attempting to empty my mind of all thoughts, recently a dialogue began as follows This is what was said ................"Do you not realise with the vastness of the universe that it could be there are layers and layers of spheres, existing in a higher plane than I dwell. For within this place a thousand years is nothing, in preparation for what is to come when we move onto a higher consciousness, to an even grander place. But we do not know the nature of how all of this will unfold, although I can tell you much more is known than when one exists in an earthly state. But then, as is now, the next transition remains unknown. Do not imagine you are alone, nor that your physicality is something over which I have any control.  For in all things ONE can only act as a guide, in preparation for that which is to come, so there is no need to hold fears over the future. Although I can walk with you, I do not have the power to make changes, but only by way of encouragement for you to find the path as is intended. But I sending another whose insight and clarity is revered and will give you more comfort in times of need."
Your thoughts are most welcome.

Tuesday, April 14

Coles brand now feeling stale

My letter as per below appeared today in the AFR alongside a large cartoon  depicting the giant Coles supermarket displaying two large sale bins for shoppers with signage" Suppliers freshly squeezed" and another headed "Furphies baked today".
In the article "$2.5 million fine in "fresh bread" suit"(AFR, April 11-12) Marianna Papadakis reports that ACCC's Rod Sims says Coles tried to portray its products as that of a hot bread shop and is pushing for stiffer fines to apply in future for false advertising.
Of course, a lot can hinge on what you don't say, as the Federal Court fine was imposed on Coles for promoting products advertised as "Baked Today, Sold Today" and in some cases "Freshly Baked In-Store", which gave that distinct impression of a hot bread shop. Consumers were unaware the products were re-baked from partially baked and frozen off site supplied products, in a practice known as "finishing" in the Coles on site bakeries.

For Wesfarmers their Coles brand must now be looking increasingly tarnished, as the latest penalty for false advertising is on top of a reported requirement for Coles to enter into $26 million in undertakings with the ACCC covering up to 200 suppliers, in addition to fines of $10 million for "serious, deliberate and repeated" misconduct towards suppliers.
But when the matter first arose Cole's response was they were engaging in competitive sourcing of product for the benefit of lower prices for the consumer. They were, but it appears most of the benefit stayed in house to improve returns along with the strong-arm tactics which have inflicted untold misery on many of its suppliers.