In the state between consciousness and sleep whilst attempting
to relax perfectly, by attempting to empty my mind of all thoughts, recently a
dialogue began as follows This is what was said ................"Do you not
realise with the vastness of the universe that it could be there are layers and
layers of spheres, existing in a higher plane than I dwell. For within this place
a thousand years is nothing, in preparation for what is to come when we move
onto a higher consciousness, to an even grander place. But we do not know the
nature of how all of this will unfold, although I can tell you much more is
known than when one exists in an earthly state. But then, as is now, the next transition
remains unknown. Do not imagine you are alone, nor that your physicality is
something over which I have any control.
For in all things ONE can only act as a guide, in preparation for that
which is to come, so there is no need to hold fears over the future. Although I
can walk with you, I do not have the power to make changes, but only by way of
encouragement for you to find the path as is intended. But I sending another
whose insight and clarity is revered and will give you more comfort in times of
Your thoughts are most welcome.