Sunday, April 2

Corporate Social Responsibility

The Corporate Advisory Board to the Government that is advising on any recommended changes to the law as it affects companies has now published submissions from various community and business organisations as well as private individuals.

If you would like to read any of the submissions click here.

Many of the submissions tend to just focus on their own area of interest or conclude the existing law adequately covers the situation.

I think Australian companies should be actively encouraged to adopt socially environmental responsible business practices. In fact this should always have been the case it is an indictment of our civilised state to think otherwise. The alternative is to give no consideration to sustainability and disregard the rights of future generations.My preference is for descriptive provisions to operate by way of guiding principles enacted in law and within corporate governance structures.
Otherwise I think we are in danger of thinking of ethics and environmental sustainability as something only very highly trained people are capable of thinking about.
CSR needs to stay in the mainstream of shareholder and stakeholder concerns, acknowledged at every level in the community.

As mentioned in the discussion paper over 80% (See my Submission Number 9) of investors want to see more reporting of CSR by companies.

Educational bodies need to encourage education and ethically based subjects in their courses.Descriptive provisions create a clear responsibility.

Imagination and morality have always been required for civilisations to deliver results for its populace along with new knowledge and understanding.


Granny said...

Hi. I certainly hope your government does better with the environment than our government.

Take care.

DA said...

I read some of the papers (yours first off course). Good thing so many people have such positive thoughts. I never saw such an initiative before. Have to check it out over here..

lindsaylobe said...

Hi Granny
I remember they used to be pretrty hot in CA, but maybe with the current regime its faded memories ?

Lets know what the Dutch are up to ?
Best wishes

Granny said...

We have many environmental activists still and California's laws are better than most but that doesn't help us breathe here in the central valley. Too little, too late.

lindsaylobe said...

I would be interested In the Dutch baesed companies approach to CSR.

Seems as if in the US,a mans land is to do as he pleases . Best wishes