Wednesday, November 30
Hello to Western Australian Readers
I would like to say hello to any visitors from Western Australia reading my blog. I’ve noticed frequent visitations from viewers on the “Big Blue” internet provider based in WA. Please feel free to comment on any of the articles as I’d love to hear from you! I have great memories of my many visits to Western Australia it’s such a lovely place. You can comment anonymously if you are not a registered user but you will need to complete the word verification.
Saturday, November 26
Our space is a continuum
Of space and time within that space
Of particles to waves in space
Of waves to particles in that space
Our space is a continuum
Our food for life within that space
Our food for thoughts in that space
Our lights reflection in that space
Our space is a continuum
Of dualities of time and space
Of single times to multiverse
Of universe to multiverse
Our space is a continuum
Its energy is our quantum state
Energy from dyeing stars
Recreate our new life state
Of space and time within that space
Of particles to waves in space
Of waves to particles in that space
Our space is a continuum
Our food for life within that space
Our food for thoughts in that space
Our lights reflection in that space
Our space is a continuum
Of dualities of time and space
Of single times to multiverse
Of universe to multiverse
Our space is a continuum
Its energy is our quantum state
Energy from dyeing stars
Recreate our new life state
Friday, November 25
Human Rights as a corporate responsibility.
When faced individually with situations we know are morally wrong, I think it becomes a question of discerning who we are, and what we stand for, so hopefully you stand up against corruption. By not going with the flow and doing your part to expose corruption, corrupt practises maybe curtailed or eliminated, a benefit for all of us as we share in a fairer society.
It’s when good people go with the flow for fear of "rocking the boat" that corrupt practices flourish and become “institutionalised”. These same issues apply to the management of multinational companies, collectively, in the countries where they operate.
It’s no co-incidence that regions with the worst corruption are often the poorest as a corrupt society cannot efficiently distribute its goods and services. The benefits in such a society become concentrated in the hands of the powerful few to the detriment of the community.
To- day people expect a company to reflect community standards, to show respect for the environment, and to uphold human rights wherever it operates. I think many companies do that as a matter of course, including a "company culture” based upon human rights. But there are some who say that’s the role of government and have no hesitation in employing people in appalling conditions, in violation of human rights, insisting they are simply responding to the “local” “conditions.
I think it’s important for the management of companies to have strategic links with recognised Ethical advisors such as the St James Ethics Centre (click to view) or other excellent organisations such as Amnesty International (thanks for your link Gary) and partner human right initiatives into their “corporate culture”. I think it’s a good policy for companies is to provide free counselling via the St James Ethics Centre so that if ever an employee was to feel uncomfortable about anything, anywhere in the world, that matter can be discussed confidentially with a counsellor, on the basis the “company” is committed to that “independent umpire” should a change be necessary. I know of such instances that work very well in practice.
The “torture” and abuse of prisoners under US custody was in centres managed by private contractors. Something went terribly wrong in those centres and words like “strangulation”, “asphyxiation”, “blunt force injuries” and arterio cardiovascular disease”- (sudden heart attacks ) in de classified army reports help us understand what happens to some prisoners. Australian Human Rights lawyer Michael Houigan was recently in Iraq examining evidence of human rights violations and I attended his lecture here in Melbourne entitled "Compassionate Capitalism ", doing good can be an integral part of doing well. I think that sums it all up, doesn’t it?
It’s when good people go with the flow for fear of "rocking the boat" that corrupt practices flourish and become “institutionalised”. These same issues apply to the management of multinational companies, collectively, in the countries where they operate.
It’s no co-incidence that regions with the worst corruption are often the poorest as a corrupt society cannot efficiently distribute its goods and services. The benefits in such a society become concentrated in the hands of the powerful few to the detriment of the community.
To- day people expect a company to reflect community standards, to show respect for the environment, and to uphold human rights wherever it operates. I think many companies do that as a matter of course, including a "company culture” based upon human rights. But there are some who say that’s the role of government and have no hesitation in employing people in appalling conditions, in violation of human rights, insisting they are simply responding to the “local” “conditions.
I think it’s important for the management of companies to have strategic links with recognised Ethical advisors such as the St James Ethics Centre (click to view) or other excellent organisations such as Amnesty International (thanks for your link Gary) and partner human right initiatives into their “corporate culture”. I think it’s a good policy for companies is to provide free counselling via the St James Ethics Centre so that if ever an employee was to feel uncomfortable about anything, anywhere in the world, that matter can be discussed confidentially with a counsellor, on the basis the “company” is committed to that “independent umpire” should a change be necessary. I know of such instances that work very well in practice.
The “torture” and abuse of prisoners under US custody was in centres managed by private contractors. Something went terribly wrong in those centres and words like “strangulation”, “asphyxiation”, “blunt force injuries” and arterio cardiovascular disease”- (sudden heart attacks ) in de classified army reports help us understand what happens to some prisoners. Australian Human Rights lawyer Michael Houigan was recently in Iraq examining evidence of human rights violations and I attended his lecture here in Melbourne entitled "Compassionate Capitalism ", doing good can be an integral part of doing well. I think that sums it all up, doesn’t it?
Thursday, November 24
Corporate Morality
Since my first posting on ethics, and subsequent postings on triple bottom line reporting it's amazing the amount of new material I am reading on corporate morality and sustainability. It's encouraging to see such a change in mindset that's fast becoming a matter of corporate necessity.
Its also interesting to note in Australia, our best performing companies are also the ones that give the most prominence to sustainability and ethics, and have very strong ties to community projects.
The debate now is all about how to best incorporate this new found morality into the corporate society as whole. Should it be by way of descriptive principles or in detailed prescriptive measures, or is the tide of general opinion strong enough to see these changes occur independently of any legisative efforts.
There is no shortage of detailed submission being put forwards and one of the best I have seen is from The Charted Secretaries Australia, which has a submission on corporate responsibility before the Federal Government's Joint parliamentary committee considering this aspect.
Click here to read the submission.
Its also interesting to note in Australia, our best performing companies are also the ones that give the most prominence to sustainability and ethics, and have very strong ties to community projects.
The debate now is all about how to best incorporate this new found morality into the corporate society as whole. Should it be by way of descriptive principles or in detailed prescriptive measures, or is the tide of general opinion strong enough to see these changes occur independently of any legisative efforts.
There is no shortage of detailed submission being put forwards and one of the best I have seen is from The Charted Secretaries Australia, which has a submission on corporate responsibility before the Federal Government's Joint parliamentary committee considering this aspect.
Click here to read the submission.
Sunday, November 20
Physical Magic
When the ancients gazed to the heavens and began asking "Why is it so ?" philosophy was born. As these questions led to new discoveries, philosophy, science and religion were seen as one: inquiries into the nature of reality.
Today most believe a dichotomy is necessary and it's unwise to link philosophy or religion with science. Attempts to offer plausible scientific explanations for seemingly "Out of body" type experiences or the like are seen as fruitless inquiries into the "unexplainable".
Fortunately not all physicists share these views and I find the thoughts of Dr Allen Wolf very interesting.
During an interview with Dr Allen Wolf entitled "Physics of the Soul" he talks about how he believes we always have one foot in the past and one in the present. He is particularly interested in dreamtime and the culture of the indigenous Australians.
"There is the Aboriginal Spiritual legend that the Great Spirit dreamed all this into existence. The land of Australia is a sacred land in which the Great Spirit currently abides and lives and sleeps, and is awakened from time to time partially when an Aboriginal women has found out she is pregnant, and feels life emerging in her as she goes out on walkabout. And she feels this presence of a life within her, and says 'Aah that's the spirit of the land at this particulate spot, that's now inside of me". So the whole idea of the dreaming spirit awakens in birth"
If your interested in his thinking click here to view his website.
To day I think an understanding of Quantum Mechanics can help underpin our philosophy and a provide a better understanding of the nature of our own reality.
I think the strange world of "quantum mechanics" leads us to a conclusion that we have power to influence events, more so than was previosly understood. What happens is influenced by the observer, we cannot remain independant, so we are all "empowered" to realise outcomes.
It doesn't mean life wont be hard or painful, but ultimately I think it means we are responsible collectively and individually for that reality, reflected in the world we create through our actions. In that sense all life is miraculous.
Today most believe a dichotomy is necessary and it's unwise to link philosophy or religion with science. Attempts to offer plausible scientific explanations for seemingly "Out of body" type experiences or the like are seen as fruitless inquiries into the "unexplainable".
Fortunately not all physicists share these views and I find the thoughts of Dr Allen Wolf very interesting.
During an interview with Dr Allen Wolf entitled "Physics of the Soul" he talks about how he believes we always have one foot in the past and one in the present. He is particularly interested in dreamtime and the culture of the indigenous Australians.
"There is the Aboriginal Spiritual legend that the Great Spirit dreamed all this into existence. The land of Australia is a sacred land in which the Great Spirit currently abides and lives and sleeps, and is awakened from time to time partially when an Aboriginal women has found out she is pregnant, and feels life emerging in her as she goes out on walkabout. And she feels this presence of a life within her, and says 'Aah that's the spirit of the land at this particulate spot, that's now inside of me". So the whole idea of the dreaming spirit awakens in birth"
If your interested in his thinking click here to view his website.
To day I think an understanding of Quantum Mechanics can help underpin our philosophy and a provide a better understanding of the nature of our own reality.
I think the strange world of "quantum mechanics" leads us to a conclusion that we have power to influence events, more so than was previosly understood. What happens is influenced by the observer, we cannot remain independant, so we are all "empowered" to realise outcomes.
It doesn't mean life wont be hard or painful, but ultimately I think it means we are responsible collectively and individually for that reality, reflected in the world we create through our actions. In that sense all life is miraculous.
Wednesday, November 16
Malawi update
The Malawi Support group recently sent off funds for immediate food relief in Malawi. Father Patrick at the time of writing is buying in maize and beans in preparation of food distribution. He advised us Lilongwe itself, as well as the the central and northern regions are beginning to feel the effects of the hunger from the shortage of maize. The southern part of Malawi has been affected for some time.
Any of the funds we send go into a fund for people in need and he has advised that he will do his best to reach those most in need. Since returning from Ireland he has been helping a local sister with funds to feed children in the under 5 clinic she is running in the southern region.
We have sent our Christmas cards to Fr Patrick with our messages of goodwill to provide encouragement and support for the challenges ahead.
If you want to hear more about the support group and their latest activities click here.
Any of the funds we send go into a fund for people in need and he has advised that he will do his best to reach those most in need. Since returning from Ireland he has been helping a local sister with funds to feed children in the under 5 clinic she is running in the southern region.
We have sent our Christmas cards to Fr Patrick with our messages of goodwill to provide encouragement and support for the challenges ahead.
If you want to hear more about the support group and their latest activities click here.
Tuesday, November 15
Marys Meals
As you’re probably aware, the position in Malawi is becoming desperate in many parts of the country which is in need of immediate food. A Scottish based charty SIR began making Mary’s meals a reality in 2002 by feeding 250 children in a rural area of Malawi.
To day Mary’s Meals projects are running in many countries around the world as well as Malawi and if your interested in viewing their site to see how you can help Click here
To day Mary’s Meals projects are running in many countries around the world as well as Malawi and if your interested in viewing their site to see how you can help Click here
Monday, November 7
Hanmer Springs

Our last stay in New Zealand was at Hanmer Springs located in the basin below the Southern Alps, and famous for its thermal resources, first discovered in 1859. It's thermal pools became an important place for returning soldiers from the first and second World Wars seeking rest and recuperation.After discovery it quickly became an important stopping off point for stage coaches.
The surrounding area is also rich in history and has some fine homesteads such as "St Helens", built of limestone in 1915, that was once part of a great sheep station of 250,000 Acres. Originally settled by the French in 1860, the St Helens sheep station property was adversely affected by rabbits,
erosion, severe winters and subsequently was abandoned to the crown in 1949.
Hanmer Springs is 385m above sea level and 90 mins easy drive from Christchurch or on to Kaikoura where we undertook our whale watching cruise
We visited the Hanmer Springs Thermal Reserve and enjoyed a number of the thermal & sulphur pools and I had a swim in the 25m fresh water pool. We both enjoyed a relaxing massage.
Waipara Wine Region is just 1hr away and I understand it is one of the most rapidly expanding wine regions in New Zealand. We were unable to fit it in on this occasion.
We stayed at Albergo Hanmer Lodge and Alpine Villa .Click here to visit their website
Out hosts were particularly friendly and we enjoyed some good conversations, in a relaxed comfortable atmosphere. The breakfasts were simply stunning.
This was our last stay before departing for Christchurch and returning to Melbourne.
The Holday was a great experience and our thanks to Melissa Anderson OWNER/MANAGER of Harvey World Travel Eltham who organised it for us.
Saturday, November 5
Majestic Sperm Whales
To day as the sea was calm we went on the Whale Watch Cruise.
The waters of the ocean just off Kaikoura are up to 2,000 metres deep, in the shape of a giant underwater canyon and its funnel effect provides an ideal environment for deep water marine life to flourish, which is the exclusive diet of the great Sperm Whale. This whale species is much older in its evolutionary chain, unlike those that who more recently evolved to eat krill and has an enormous mouth capable of devouring a 4 metre shark is one hungry gulp. Post mortems have revealed large objects such as 44 gallon drums in their stomachs. They are able to dive to incredible depths and stay submerged for over 2 hours.
During the cruise I was fortunate to learn about their superior intelligence from our on- board Marine Biologist. Our intelligence is known to arise from the more recent development of the frontal lobes, that are the executive function of our brains, co-ordinating the messages and data from other areas which allows us to make complex decisions and give us our "consciousness".
These frontal lobes are more developed in the Sperm Whale and are much larger as a ratio to body weigh than ours. In other words if we measure our IQ as an average of say 100/110 than the Great Sperm Whale according to the scientific research would be 2,000. Their level of consciousness is much more developed than ours. Apparently they spend more time in nutering and caring activities and do not exhibit any of the anxiety and fear we have in relation to death.
She has promised to send me an- email on this research which I will publishing when received.
After 2 hours of searching for whales and listening with underwater equipment for the familiar clicks, the skipper announced sadly none were sighted or heard to day. We did see a number of sea birds including the giant albatross and some dolphins mating but no whales.
We received a refund of 80% of the cost as compensation , and I understand it's unusual not to sight any. I look forward to posting more material about the intelligence of these majestic Sperm Whales soon.
The waters of the ocean just off Kaikoura are up to 2,000 metres deep, in the shape of a giant underwater canyon and its funnel effect provides an ideal environment for deep water marine life to flourish, which is the exclusive diet of the great Sperm Whale. This whale species is much older in its evolutionary chain, unlike those that who more recently evolved to eat krill and has an enormous mouth capable of devouring a 4 metre shark is one hungry gulp. Post mortems have revealed large objects such as 44 gallon drums in their stomachs. They are able to dive to incredible depths and stay submerged for over 2 hours.
During the cruise I was fortunate to learn about their superior intelligence from our on- board Marine Biologist. Our intelligence is known to arise from the more recent development of the frontal lobes, that are the executive function of our brains, co-ordinating the messages and data from other areas which allows us to make complex decisions and give us our "consciousness".
These frontal lobes are more developed in the Sperm Whale and are much larger as a ratio to body weigh than ours. In other words if we measure our IQ as an average of say 100/110 than the Great Sperm Whale according to the scientific research would be 2,000. Their level of consciousness is much more developed than ours. Apparently they spend more time in nutering and caring activities and do not exhibit any of the anxiety and fear we have in relation to death.
She has promised to send me an- email on this research which I will publishing when received.
After 2 hours of searching for whales and listening with underwater equipment for the familiar clicks, the skipper announced sadly none were sighted or heard to day. We did see a number of sea birds including the giant albatross and some dolphins mating but no whales.
We received a refund of 80% of the cost as compensation , and I understand it's unusual not to sight any. I look forward to posting more material about the intelligence of these majestic Sperm Whales soon.
Thursday, November 3
Christchurch to Kaikoura

Today we travelled to Kaikoura which means in Maori means Food Crayfish. EGG KAI =Food and KOURA =Crayfish.
We were struck by the unusual landscape, different to the rest of New Zealand as snow clad mountains meet up directly with seashore. Kiakoura is on a peninsular that juts out into the Pacific Ocean from the 2600 metre high Kiakoura Mountain Ranges.
Around Kaikoura are the remnants of 15 individual fortresses and lookouts, set up by the Maori tribes and evidencing fierce battles against invaders hoping to gain a foothold in this settlement as Moa numbers declined elsewhere. That's what the local museum said.
To day its a popular holiday resort and a world famous as a feeding ground for those gentle giants of the deep, what must be the grandest creatures on earth, the giant sperm whales. They had nearly been hunted to extinction, but whether they now survive the fresh hazards of ocean pollution I guess is unknown. We were booked to go whale watching but unfortunately the seas were too rough, better luck I hope tomorrow !! click here to view whalewatch
To day we did sight fur seals, unconcerned and just metres from us.
Wednesday, November 2
Christchurch continued
To day we visited the Botanical Gardens, the Art Gallery; re visited the Museum and finally saw the New Zealand Kiwi, which is a flightless bird and icon to New Zealand.
The Botanical Gardens are 75 acres of picturess flowers, trees and Cambridge Punts (gondoliers) who take visitors along the smallish Avon River alongside the gardens.
The new art gallery houses 5,500 individual displays and is one of the largest collections of NZ art in the country. Completed in 2003, it's modernistic in design. Click here to view.
The Kiwi bird is an icon to NZ, appearing on its coins, regimental badges and internationally as Kiwi shoe polish. The Kiwi is a flightless bird that forages in the forest and its numbers have been decimated by introduced species that eat its eggs and by loss of its habitat. A breeding program is underway. If your interested in finding out more about the Kiwi Click Here.
The Botanical Gardens are 75 acres of picturess flowers, trees and Cambridge Punts (gondoliers) who take visitors along the smallish Avon River alongside the gardens.
The new art gallery houses 5,500 individual displays and is one of the largest collections of NZ art in the country. Completed in 2003, it's modernistic in design. Click here to view.
The Kiwi bird is an icon to NZ, appearing on its coins, regimental badges and internationally as Kiwi shoe polish. The Kiwi is a flightless bird that forages in the forest and its numbers have been decimated by introduced species that eat its eggs and by loss of its habitat. A breeding program is underway. If your interested in finding out more about the Kiwi Click Here.
Tuesday, November 1

We spent the day visiting the Cathedral and the Museum.
Christchurch was named by its founding fathers, after Christchurch in Oxford, from where they came. It’s an easy city to visit, very English in its architecture and style but using local stone materials. We went on tour of the Cathedral, climbing the narrow staircase to the bell ringing tower and turret. Very impressive.
The history of the Maoris’ makes mention of their wars over territorial rights and cannibalism. I think there position pre colonization may also have been effected by other important factors, primarily arising from the depletion of their food supply. History confirms they hunted the Moa to extinction through burning of their forest inhabitant. Populations would have relied upon that source of food and of the forest bird life. Extinction would have had a devastating effect and I think the population would not have been sustainable. It’s likely I think the subsequent wars and cannibalization were driven by an ultimate fight for survival. Their history is an oral one, yet there seems no oral history of warfare when the Moa was hunted.
It’s not surprising various tribes formed allegiances with the British in the Mauri Wars, fighting against other tribes. Theses disputers were no doubt due to other factors as well, but I believe the first wars are more likely you have arose as consequence of the reduction in their sustainability, brought about by the depletion of their primary food source.
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