Saturday, June 29

50th Wedding Anniversary

To celebrate we spent the past few days at the RACV Country Club located at Healesville, only about 40 minutes from where we live and located in the picturesque region of the Yarra Valley.    
Whilst there we visited Marysville which was devastated by the Murrindindi Mill bushfire in 2009.
Around 90% of the town's buildings were destroyed and 45 people lost their lives.
There are many tourist attractions throughout the area, such as Bruno's Sculpture Garden, which was badly damaged in the 2009 fires but has since been restored. The pictures show the view from our room and just a few of Bruno's 150 amazing sculptures. Click on the images to enlarge.  


Deanna said...

Someone asked my Grandad if there was a special secret to making it to their 50th anniversary. "Yes", said he, "Stay alive and stay together."

As I found out, that is not as easy as he made it sound! They made it well past sixty by the way.

All the very best to you both!

Tom said...

Sorry Lindsay, must be a bit thick today. Probably this heat. Is it 50 years for you and your wife? If so, many congratulations to you both.

Lindsay Byrnes said...

Hi Deanna,
we hope to make it past 60. On my wife's side her parents almost made 70 whilst my uncle nearly reached 80. They both died aged 99 just shy of 100.
Hi Tom,
Yes, should have been clearer it was our celebration. Trust the heatwave has now passed? -Did you retire at night with a hot water bottle full of ice and or frozen water to keep you cool ? Best wishes

Tom said...

The temperature peaked at 40degC yesterday afternoon. As usual, we slept with the bedroom windows wide open and risked the biting insects. Lucy doesn't get bitten; I have her share as well as my own. We did resort in the evening to sitting in front of a fan blowing air over ice-water. Elfie loves that, and keeping her as comfortable as possible is a top priority.

BUT WE SURVIVED! And the temperature is falling; the cloud is coming in, can't quite see from whence; and it is drizzling. So much for Lucy's outdoor yoga meet this morning [and the French weather forecast!!]

On the matter of one's brains becoming addled in the heat, I was preparing Elfie's dinner yesterday evening and noticed I had my hand in her bag of croquettes [not sure that's the correct spelling]. "Fine," I hear you say, "Tell us more." Well it took me a little while to realise I usually have a cup attached to my hand to scoop out food.

Lindsay Byrnes said...

Hi Tom,
When you first took residence i bet you never conceived of such temperatures . Good to see you all managed to cope but I trust by now it’ s back to normality.
I was reading about this unprecedented heatwave and noted it reached a record breaking 45degC elsewhere.
I wonder what will transpire with future global temperatures and how we may or may not adapt to live more thoughtfully in relation to our environment.
Best wishes