For anyone interested in diving more deeply into the fascinating thought world of Neoplatonism this link as per below provides a comprehensive insight. The inspiration for Neoplatonism and its correlation to Hinduism, may have arisen from visits by the ancient Greeks who you may recall were a seafaring and mercantile nation. But maybe these ideas just arose independently. Neoplatonism died out in the 7th century as the ecclesiastical scholarly advancements reverted to Muslim scholars (enhanced by translation to Latin of the works of Aristotle) before it’s returned to its more fundamental roots. But Neoplatonism returned in the early part of the 20th century emergent in Theosophy.
But just as today's modern day scholars may become smitten with Neoplatonism so can one if you are prepared to delve deeply into those ancient abstract ideas, that to my mind represents an amazingly modern day way of thinking relating to the concept of the Great Chain of Being. Their ideas acknowledge the illusion of time. My question is, will we in time be able to ask Dr Albert Einstein what he thinks about it ?
Here is a quote from him that was included in a letter to the family following the death of Michael Besso included in the book ‘Disturbing the Universe” by Freeman Dyson.
Einstein, said: Now he has departed from this strange world a little ahead of me.
That means nothing. People like us,
who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present and
future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.
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