Thursday, August 16

Is there such a thing as a true self

Reading an article from the conversation I was struck by the last line: Deep thinkers will question whether the idea of an authentic true self passes philosophical muster. But even if it is an illusion, it may be a useful one.
That reminded me of the determinism versus free will debate. At the end of the day it makes sense to live your life as you have free will as otherwise you can’t make sense of it. But mostly I believe in determinism, but even so that rarely comes into play in my thinking or living except for the rather obvious mortality issue.
So let us say that the authentic self is illusory but even so explore the possibility it is a kind of work in progress as a human construct.   
So it’s going to vary throughout your lifelong experience and also according to what’s in one’s mind at the time.  So no absolutes are possible as it properly must be regarded as transient according to the circumstances.  
But from a personal viewpoint I find the idea of having a set of values that I might loosely associate with I think is my authentic self ( regardless of whether that is illusory ) is very useful and none more so than one is under a lot of pressure. Without wanting to give the impression from an egotistical point of view  I am a paradigm of virtue, that principle has served me well when getting rid of fraud in corporate situations when it came down to showing a bit of courage and suffering at a personal level as a consequence. Not such a big deal some might say but in a large group none the less you may finish up being the lone one willing to stand up so to speak. It happened on a number of occasions and each time it involved introspection. As best as I can think of it that means you arrive at a conclusion about yourself and what staying true to yourself really means. In other words staying true to your authentic self at the time. I think the idea of relating to one’s authentic self is very helpful. Not just for me but others, in similar positions in life, have all said the same thing.
A help to self- examination throughout life, but I hasten to add It cannot be pretentious as in publically pretending to be authentic.         

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