In “Ending entitlements
means cutting youth safety net“ (Australian Financial Review, May 21) Cassandra Goldie reports major cuts in jobless benefits for people under 30 will
create a lot of hardship without increasing opportunities.
the limited job opportunities the inescapable conclusion of such a
policy to require the under 30 to wait up to six months before getting
unemployment benefits and who will then will have to work for the dole, is to
provide this government with the distinction of helping set up the next lost
generation from an envisaged 100,000 effected.
The estimated saving of 2 billion in government outlays will
simply dissipate in the future in increased costs to society if some people
become homeless or turn to a life of crime, from those who unable to obtain
regular work because employment opportunities are simply not available
A feature of the improved technology over the past decades has not
been the flow on effect to labour participation but the reverse is now true
today with a propensity to relocate processing or support functions overseas,
reducing the pool of opportunities for younger people.
Hence, the simplistic slogan we heard of ‘’learn or earn‘’
presupposes the idea ample opportunity exists for all, as the economy
undertakes structural changes and which represents an inopportune time to
remove a long standing safety net for those most vulnerable within our society.
These austerity measures are simply another way for powerful interests to suck yet more money into their own coffers. To say they are extraordinarily disruptive of society and could lead to unexpected consequences would be an understatement.
Hi Susan
This move is particularly bad policy ; concerns have been expressed across the whole community spectrum inclusive of the peak business/industry councils.
Best wishes
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