Our eldest daughter Vanessa has given birth to a 3rd daughter named Elizabeth Rose. Naturally enough her 2 big sisters Alice and Chloe together with her cousins Declan and Liam( pictured) were delighted to see and nurse the baby.Pictures are of Vanessa resting in the afternoon.Three year old Alice is shown leaving home; 'I am so excited', she said on the way in to hospital !
Hi Lndsay and anne,
Congratulations with your new granddaughter, and also congratualations to Vanessa,
john and agnes
Congratulations to the proud grandfather. They are all very beautiful and worthy of the excitement generated.
This looks so exciting and healthy, fine people indeed to take care of the newborn. Congratulations!!!
It is always a miracle isn't it - even though repeated a millions of times.
congrats!! gorgeous grandkids and daughter! kiss that baby for me.
awww, vanessa looks so beautiful. i know, i know, supposedly nobody looks their "best" in a hospital bed, but you can see the understanding of the world in her eyes. i love that smile.
alice and the rest are cute cute.
i love the name elizabeth rose. wishing her all happiness at life.
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