Wednesday, May 14

Absurd person singular

The Malawi Support Group recently held a very succesful fundraising theatre night to see this hilarious comedy written by Alan Ayckbourn entitled Absurd person singular. The theatre was fully booked.

In attendance were students from a Melbourne university who are all from the Ithaca campus of Cornell University in NY see and are over here for a semester to study Australian history for a term under the guidance of my friend who lectures in the humanities faculty. It was over lunch I suggested maybe they could all benefit from experiencing some local culture, and consequently they enjoyed the show and our hospitality afterwards.

Above are some of the smiling faces taken with one complementary drink just before the show was to begin. Afterwards we supplied sandwiches and tea and coffee to conclude what was a most enjoyable evening.
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Seraphine said...

Of course, visiting another country is incomplete without meeting a few of the locals.

Absurd is my favorite type of humor.

Seraphine said...

In the inside there is sleeping, in the outside there is reddening, in the morning there is meaning, in the evening there is feeling. In the evening there is feeling. In feeling anything is resting, in feeling anything is mounting, in feeling there is resignation, in feeling there is recognition, in feeling there is recurrence and entirely mistaken there is pinching. All the standards have steamers and all the curtains have bed linen and all the yellow has discrimination and all the circle has circling. This makes sand.
Gertrude Stein, "Tender Buttons"

Absurd? Perhaps. There is no person singular, only singular person. You had it backwards, wordback, crabwords, pincer on pincer, one hand behind the back.

lindsaylobe said...

Hi Sera ~Allan Ayckbourn's brands of humour is not every one’s cup of tea, for some it may offend but I notice his plays are making a comeback on Broadway after three decades when first they were of great popular appeal. Like you I like his brand of humour. Singular expressions or opinions are ones we express or find favor within our own unique life experiences and thought, but I much prefer the quote from William Wordworth “. . . that every great and original writer, in proportion as he is great and original, must himself create the taste by which he is to be relished”. Consciousness and the unconscious, feelings and rationality; each is dependant upon the other and neither could exist in isolation in so far as we remain conscious human beings. Best wishes

Sylvana said...

They all look like they are really enjoying themselves.